Welcome to the Gourmet Room!
Since 2000,Gourmet Room has been the place to enjoy private parties with Eastern-European food and live music. Call for reservation 214-475-2825 Tatyana Neuner. Family style or buffet at our place or yours.

1144 N.Plano rd. #115,Richardson TX 75081
North East corner of Arapaho and N.Plano rd.
Our menu(from $30) are affordable and full of delicatessen such Red and Black caviar,Blintzes,Assorted smoked fish,Sea-bass,Rack of lamb,Chicken Kiev,Chicken liver pate,Eggplant rolls,Pickled vegetables,Kebabs,Pierogies,Napoleon and more!
email gourmetroomtx@gmail.com for more varieties of menu and catering list,delivery available for Dallas and around area.